All About Memberships


    Annual memberships are $35 (single) and $60 (joint). Click here to learn about the membership process.

  • Serve on the Board

    Join a group of dedicated cyclists working to make this cycling club great! For more information, email Graham Flower at

  • Become a Ride Leader

    Ride leaders are an integral to the club and highly valued for their service to other cyclists. Send an email to to inquire about becoming a ride leader.

  • Member Benefits and Insurance

    Benefits include camaraderie, supplemental liability insurance on all club rides plus many member-only rides and events. Your dues keep the Club running to support recreational cycling in the Reno-Tahoe region. Click here for the liability waiver.

Membership Benefits: Member Testimonial

One benefit of joining the Procrastinating Pedalers is that during club rides you are protected from the financial impact of a crash and the subsequent health care needed. I know from personal experience, having a very serious crash during a club ride in the Fall of 2021.

I suffered a severe concussion, several broken teeth and multiple lacerations. My personal insurance covered most of the medical needs, including the ambulance ride, but the dental coverage I had was limited to preventive care and I needed some serious repair work.

Any rider’s personal insurance is primary in case of any care needed, but the club insurance will kick in when the rider’s insurance runs out or is not available. In my case that meant a bill of nearly six thousand dollars!

I am grateful for all the club riders around me when I crashed and to the Procrastinating Pedalers for offering this coverage when riding with the club.

— Miguel Perea